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How to boost your immune system ??

As we know our immune system plays Very important role to protect us from harmful pathogen and diseases ,some of the natural practices are their that makes our immune system stronger and provide intensity to fight with any kind of disease and viruses.

Yogic practices for boosting immune system .

We can strengthed our immune system by practising pranayams ,the word pranayam derived from the Sanskrit word "pran" stands for vital energy anad " aayam" stands for "control" that means control of breath. 
1. Kapalbhati pranayam
2.anlom-vilom pranayam 
3. Bhramri pranayam 
4. Bhastrika pranayam 
Kapalbhati is a Sanskrit word it is made up of "kapal" and " bhati" where kapal stands for "skull" or frontal head and bhati means "shinning".
Steps of kapalbhati 
1. Firstly sit on any sukhasna in wich you are comfortable (padmasan, swastikasna, vajrasna) your spine should be erect
2. Place your hand on your knees with the palms facing up.
3. inhale air with both the nostrils. exhale the air forcefully  andw you are exhaling slight amount of inhalation are there but it's ok but you have to exhale continuously.
4. you can put your hand on your lower abdomen to feel the air gushing out of the body repeat it for 3 to 4 times.
Steps of anlom-vilom
1. sit comfortably in any meditative posture and relax for a few minute with closed eyes.
2. Now take your right hand and slowly place it on the right nostril while resting your left hand on the left knee.
3. now slowly take a deep breath from your left nostril close both the nostril and hold the inhale breath for a few second.
4. now release your finger from the right nostril which will allow you to exhael the air from it. while doing so make sure that your left nostril is safety closed with the help of your ring and little finger.
5. deeply inhale from right nostril then hold it for second after that release it from left nostril and repeat it for 3-4 times.
Bhramri pranayam 
1. For doing this sit comfortably on padmasan and sukhasna.
2. close your eyes and breathe deeply now close your eye lids or flaps with your thumbs.
3. Place your index finger just above your eyebrows and rest of your fingers over your eyes with your middle fingers .
4. Now concentrate your mind on the area between your eyebrows.
5. keep your mouth closed breathe out slowly through your nose with making a humming sound of Om repeat this process 4-5 times. 
Bhastrika pranayam
Steps of bhastrika pranayam
1. Sit comfortably in the padmasan or sukhasna pose with eyes closed.
2. Take few deep breaths though both nostrils and fill the lungs with air and then exhale you can hear a hissing sound while exhaling. 
3.Inhale deeply and Exhale  completely XL is an excellent way to remove all the toxins You have accumulated from your body and inhalation helps to get fresh oxygen.
4. Now exhale and repeate this process for 3-5 times.
 Ayurvedic practices

Ayurveda an ancient science of life that realise on natural ingredients provides many immunity boosting measures , Ayurveda having a concept of dinacharay(daily regims) and Ritucharya ( seasonal regims to maintain a healthy lifestyle) 
1. Drink warm water throughout the day.
2. Daily practice of yoga and meditation for at least 30 minutes.
3. Use turmeric,jeera,dhaniya,garlic in cooking stuff's.
4. Drink herbal tea, made from tulsi ,dalchini,black pepper ,dry ginger. 

By -Dr Madhu 


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