So let's know more about that , like how it works on our body , and some yogic philosophy.
So we are starting with Yogic body , let's know about what modern science saying or defining our body , a body which is made up of cell's tissues organs ,right so now let's understand About how yogic philosophy defines it ,
So we are starting with Yogic body , as we know modern science defines body that have muscles, organs cells right , but let's now about yogic philosophy what they said about our body.
So in yogic scripter it's mentioned that our body is made up or panch koshas , pancha prana , sever chakras and Nadis.So firstly we know about panch koshas.
So as you can see the image the five koshas are
Annamaya kosha – The Food body
Pranamaya kosha- The Pranic energy or life energy sheath
Manomaya kosha- Mental body
Vijyanmaya kosha- Wisdom body
Anandamaya kosha– Bliss body
1. Annamaya kosha , The first and outermost layer of the Self is Annamaya Kosha, which literally means food sheath. It is the physical body made of matter, which includes the skin, bones, muscles, organs, and other tissues. This kosha is responsible for our basic survival needs, like food, water, and shelter. It is through the Annamaya Kosha that we experience the physical world and interact with the natural environment around us.
2. Pranamaya kosha - The Pranamaya Kosha is the energy sheath of the body. This kosha is made up of the five major pranas mentioned above, helping flow life force energy throughout the body. As a result, Kosha plays an important part in the vital functions we need to stay alive, such as breathing, digestion, and circulation.
3. Manomaya kosha- Manomaya kosha- ,is derived from the word Manas meaning your mind or throught processes.
Your mental body is where you experience the acts like a sheath that performs various activities like reciving, absorbing and processing information, and governs your automatic responses and reflexes. An overactive Manomaya kosha which plays on their emotions.
4. Vijyanmaya kosha- vijyanmaya kosha is fourth layer of our body .we all have two minds let's understand this with a example,you have seen a beautiful dress in a shop and you want to buy it , but your inner mind said no you have allot of dress like these , and you stopped the action , this inner voice that continuously guide us to do or not to do something is the vijyanmaya kosha .
5 Anandamay kosha - Anandamaya kosha is considered to be the part of a being responsible for unconditional love,oneness and complete unity with all beings. Also responsible for peace, loce and joy in its purest and most absolute form , it is said to go beyond any emotional or physical experience.
In our next blog we will understand about panch parana chakras and Nadis stay tune for that .
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