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Showing posts from May, 2020

Ayurveda for natural glowing skin

Many of us have craving for fair and glowing skin and in this context, we will dive in Ayurveda and ayurvedic medicine as we are familar with the fact that it is   prepared from natural ingredients that never harm our skin .  Ayurveda suggests some herbal remedies that can help treat your skin according to the doshas of the body. Once  you figure out your skin type, it's easy to choose the right products to create beauty from the inside and the outside. The three basic skin types —   Vata ,   Pitta and   Kapha   — are based on the three doshas. Look at the description below to see if you recognize your skin type. Vata Skin Type Vata dosha is light, dry, and cool. If your skin is thin, dry, fine-pored, delicate and cool to the touch, you probably have Vata skin. When out of balance, it may become excessively dry, rough or flaky, or be subject to dry eczema or skin fungus. Vata skin tends to wrinkle more as it ages, due to the dryness of V...

Ramp-up your memory with Ayurveda

The brain is the central controller unit of the human body where thoughts are proceed and information is manufactured the brain is like a memory device data gets stored. Ayurveda is an ancient Indian born medicinal system that is the oldest in the world it presents numerous way to improve the health and fitness of the mind with its various treatment method. let's have a look at most valuable Ayurveda herbs and plants for the perfect mental health of a person. Ashwagandha:- ashvgandha is an Indian herb that is incredibly beneficial in keeping the body healthy and active scientifically known as withania somnifera it is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in India just one gram everyday can keep you away from numerous mental and physical issues such a headache diabetes etc. Gotu kola :- there cannot be a better mind clearing herbal medicine that gotukola aur Brahmi, the herbs has a bitter taste   but comes with a long list of benefits for the physical and menta...