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Ramp-up your memory with Ayurveda

The brain is the central controller unit of the human body where thoughts are proceed and information is manufactured the brain is like a memory device data gets stored.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian born medicinal system that is the oldest in the world it presents numerous way to improve the health and fitness of the mind with its various treatment method.
let's have a look at most valuable Ayurveda herbs and plants for the perfect mental health of a person.
Ashwagandha:- ashvgandha is an Indian herb that is incredibly beneficial in keeping the body healthy and active scientifically known as withania somnifera it is one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in India just one gram everyday can keep you away from numerous mental and physical issues such a headache diabetes etc.
Gotu kola :- there cannot be a better mind clearing herbal medicine that gotukola aur Brahmi, the herbs has a bitter taste   but comes with a long list of benefits for the physical and mental health of a person it helps parts of the brain to work systematically and is also used in many part of Asia such as  Thailand India Indonesia etc as a food ingredient ,integrate this into your diet for sharp memory.
Tulsi:- tulsi or holy basil is a commonly cultivated plant in South Asia having huge importance in sanatan dharma Indians workship this plant which is found in a majority of home gardens tulsi has been used as a major disease- relieving plant in many part of the subcontinent known also by its scientific name as ocimun tenuiflorum , it's a powerful aid in blood circulationt plant make sure the brain gets sufficient amount of blood to function properly it provide to the blood to make it pure and protect it from any unwanted matter that enters the body.

Bacopa:- bacopa monnieri is a native to the soggy are in in reason such as India Australia and Europe the perennial is a popular Ayurvedic plant that is used as a brain calmer around the world.

Multiple studies have shown its use in gaining control over various disease such asthma ulcer and area and enlarged spleen and more. the plant has been used in ayurvedic medicine for boosting the ability of the brain to store more information. Bacopa helps one concentrate on his task with perfection if you are a working professional and face difficulty in completing the task consumption of it can help you in many ways the plant support the process of memory building as it can help one regulate data in the brain the is also found to be a great protection against Alzeimers disease.

Rosemary:- rosemary is one of the widely used memory booster herbs its medicinal value include mental stability brain stimulation and more rosemarinus officinalis is preferred by many doctors as brain stimulator digestion and concentration booster.

the plant also impacts the circulatory as well the immune system in a positive way the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory element present in rosemary extremely useful in strengthening the body against harmful microbes that create multiple disease it's aromatic effect refreshes a person's mood and speeds up his working ability.

  Yoga for increasing concentrations and memory.

as we know yoga has many definition and uses its an ancient practice there are many yoga techniques that are known to stimulate the brain and nervous system which improves memory and concentration. Dharna the six limbs of the yoga is a state of focus attained through asanas , pranayams and meditation practices.let's have a look on aasan that help us on improving our memory .

Paschimotanasa :- this seated pose promotes the activities of the brain when you are seated try to be relaxed in order to not get carried away with trying to hard to harness the maximum benefits of yoga one must learn to do the pose without pain in a comfortable manaer.

Padmasan:- this easy pose has ability to enhance energy power of the body and brain functions this is one of the most famous yoga poses as well as many spiritual practices.

Knee to head pose :- known to help with sharpening the brain it also reduce irritability and brings calmness into the practitioner here the blood circulation is diverged to go toward the head. this can bring a quick relase from stress and clear the mind.
Some of the pranayam like bhramri , bhastrika and meditation are used in yoga in a therapeutic way to increase ones focus.
More practice are their that we do ....we can take accupresser , naturopathy that can also help us to improve our capabilities and brain functioning.

By Dr.Madhu kumari


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