Many of us have craving for fair and glowing skin and in this context, we will dive in Ayurveda and ayurvedic medicine as we are familar with the fact that it is prepared from natural ingredients that never harm our skin . Ayurveda suggests some herbal remedies that can help treat your skin according to the doshas of the body. Once you figure out your skin type, it's easy to choose the right products to create beauty from the inside and the outside. The three basic skin types — Vata, Pittaand Kapha — are based on the three doshas. Look at the description below to see if you recognize your skin type.
Vata Skin Type
Vata dosha is light, dry, and cool. If your skin is thin, dry, fine-pored, delicate and cool to the touch, you probably have Vata skin. When out of balance, it may become excessively dry, rough or flaky, or be subject to dry eczema or skin fungus. Vata skin tends to wrinkle more as it ages, due to the dryness of Vata dosha, and can take on a grayish or dull quality if your digestion is not in balance. If you have Vata skin, you are particularly sensitive to mental stress, which tends to show up in a tired, stressed look.
Pitta Skin Type
Pitta skin is more fair or rosy in color, soft, warm to the touch, and of medium thickness. These qualities, along with blond or red-colored hair, correspond to the warm, fiery Pitta dosha. When out of balance, Pitta skin types can suffer from skin rashes, breakouts, acne, liver spots or rosacea. Pitta skin is usually more sensitive, and emotional stress can cause you to blush when embarrassed, or experience breakouts, canker sores or rashes when under stress.
Kapha Skin Type
Kapha skin is cool to the touch and is thicker, softer, oilier and smoother than the other two types. This is similar to the oily, smooth, strong qualities of Kapha dosha. If your skin is pale and your hair thick, wavy, oily and dark, you probably have Kapha skin. People with Kapha skin don't tend to form wrinkles until very late in life. When out of balance, Kapha skin can suffer from excessive oiliness, enlarged pores, blackheads, pimples, moist types of eczema and water retention.
Their are some remedies i am sharing with you that will probably help you and your skin to glow
1.Jasmine leaves or chameli ke patte
Jasmine or chameli is not only known for its calming and soothing fragrance but also its medicinal properties. Jasmine leaves are antiseptic, which can help prevent microbial infections on the skin. It also regulates the amount of oil produced, which makes it excellent for people with oily skin. Mix jasmine leaves and rose water and apply on your face and skin. Leave it for about 15 minutes before washing it off with water.
2. Sandalwood or chandan
Chandan or sandalwood has been known for its skin-lightening and cooling properties
Neem is a well-known medicinal herb that is known for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is known to penetrate deep into the skin and remove dead skin cells. It also opens clogged pores helping stimulate natural oil production. Take some neem leaves and make a paste using rose water and apply it on the skin directly. You will definitely love the results when used regularly
4. Moringa
Moringa leaves contain anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that help cure any rash, blemish or acne on the skin. It helps reduce inflammation, further preventing the formation of fine lines and wrinkles.
5. Kesar or saffron
Kesar is widely known for its skin-lightening properties and also for making the skin tone even. Its anti-fungal content is an effective treatment for acne and pimples along with blemishes and blackheads. All you need to do is to add some saffron in warm milk and let it soak overnight. Apply the mixture on your skin and leave it for some time before washing it off.
6. Aloe Vera or Ghritkumari
Also known as ghritkumari, aloe vera is one of the most used herbs with numerous health benefits. It has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and cooling properties that can provide with a lot of relief from skin problems. The gel from this plant gives your skin a soothing effect leaving it rash and blemish free.
These amazing Ayurvedic herbs are easily available and can be used on a regular basis. Give your skin a rejuvenating and replenishing feel!
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