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Showing posts from April, 2020

How to reduce obesity ?

Now a days many of us are suffering from obesity . as some point in our lives most of us wish we could lose some weight fast . but losing weight quickly is a challenging things to do for a number of reason. sudden weight loss can slow your metabolism . Every person has a different lifestyle,body  type,  medical condition, and genetic all of which play an important role in a person's ability to achieve and maintain fitness results. Ayurveda  promises not just to make you lose stubborn belly fat but also keeps you away from numerous lifestyle disease access belly fat is related to various serious health conditions like obesity diabetes heart disease here is the list of five powerful Ayurvedic gradients that have that can help you lose weight.    Guggul :- guggul has been on the top of the list of Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss Guggul is made from the sap (gum resin) of the commiphora mukul tree . It has plant sterol , gug gulerone that promotes weig...

How to boost your immune system ??

As we know our immune system plays Very important role to protect us from harmful pathogen and diseases ,some of the natural practices are their that makes our immune system stronger and provide intensity to fight with any kind of disease and viruses. Yogic practices for boosting immune system . We can strengthed our immune system by practising pranayams ,the word pranayam derived from the Sanskrit word "pran" stands for vital energy anad " aayam" stands for "control" that means control of breath.  1. Kapalbhati pranayam 2.anlom-vilom pranayam  3. Bhramri pranayam  4. Bhastrika pranayam  Kapalbhati   Kapalbhati is a Sanskrit word it is made up of "kapal" and " bhati" where kapal stands for "skull" or frontal head and bhati means "shinning". Steps of kapalbhati  1. Firstly sit on any sukhasna in wich you are comfortable (padmasan, swastikasna, vajrasna) your spine should be erect 2. Place yo...


Mindfulness meditation helps you get a better perspective on your constantly changing thoughts, feelings and moods. A different view of things means you’re better equipped to confront your state of mind and avoid getting caught in negative feedback loops. This forms a great foundation for a happier and fuller life! By - Dr Madhu