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How to reduce obesity ?

Now a days many of us are suffering from obesity . as some point in our lives most of us wish we could lose some weight fast . but losing weight quickly is a challenging things to do for a number of reason. sudden weight loss can slow your metabolism . Every person has a different lifestyle,body  type,  medical condition, and genetic all of which play an important role in a person's ability to achieve and maintain fitness results.
Ayurveda promises not just to make you lose stubborn belly fat but also keeps you away from numerous lifestyle disease access belly fat is related to various serious health conditions like obesity diabetes heart disease here is the list of five powerful Ayurvedic gradients that have that can help you lose weight. 

 Guggul :- guggul has been on the top of the list of Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss Guggul is made from the sap (gum resin) of the commiphora mukul tree . It has plant sterol , gug gulerone that promotes weight lose . Guggul also contains substances that lower triglycerides and cholesterol.
Triphala:- triphala is a mixture of dried fruits haritaki ,amala , bibhitaki . It has been used for the ages to treat a number of aliments this herbal mixture is throughout to promote weight loss by flushing out of toxins and improving your digestion. it is also said that triphala can help improve overall health this mixture is consumed with a glass of hot water two times a day how an hour before breakfast and two hour after dinner.
Dalchini:- also known as cinnamon in English dalchini has numerous medicinal properties which boost metabolism and help you lose weight effectively you can consume a cup of cinnamon tea the first thing in the morning to get optimal result.
Punarnava:- punarnava scientifically known as boerhavia diffusa is one of the most effective Ayurvedic medicine used for weight loss the plant has divertic properties which gives the bladder and kidney healthy it is also known to solve the problem of water retention.
Garcinia cambogia:- is it tropical fruit which work wonderfully as a weight loss supplement the fruits block the the body's ability to make fat hydroxycitric acid which is the main ingredient in the fruit boost metabolism and reduced appetite. the fruit is also called melabar tamarind and is known to help in stress reduction keeping the blood sugar and cholesterol levels in check.
                                  the practice of yoga supports physical , mental and spiritual development that allows you to create the best version of yourself. Yoga may also be an effective tool to help you lose weight specially the more reactive forms of yoga and you may find that the awareness gained through a gentle relaxing yoga practice help you to lose weight as well many experts agree that yoga works in different way to bring about a healthy weight.
 Some of the yogic practices that help in weight loss
1. Trikonasna:- also known as triangle pose it has to improve digestion as well as reduce fat deposited in the belly and waist the lateral motion of this aasan help you burn more fat from the waist and build more muscles in the thighs and hamstring.
2. Halasana:- dynamic  practice of this asan can burn the fat of thighs muscles and waist area the tension was created on trapezius, soleus and gluteus medius and maximus muscles of the body.
3. Hastottanasan:- hastottanasana aasan is good in melting of fat of hips and buttocks it is beneficial for waist slim and chest expansion.
4. Padhastasan:- it is standing for band your stomach is completely compressed which will help you burn and reduce tummy fat also improve your digestion.
5. Uttanpadasan:- this person are extremely beneficial for lower belly fat and flat stomach.
6. Lateral body stretching :- ( triyak tadasan ,katichakrasan) it is good to lose weight specially from sides of stomach.
7. Surya namskar :- also called as sun salutations are a great way to burn the fat deposited in our body.

By Dr.madhu kumari 


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